Project Timeline
For a continually revised timetable to every stage of the examination process, please go to the Planning Inspectorate's website.
The Inspectorate received the application on 10 April 2024 and accepted it on the 9th May 2024.
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The first hearing was conducted on 15th October 2024.
Your can still voice your objections by writing to your local MP, the Prime Minister or Secretary of State.
Their contact details can be found here.
If you need help with your comments, please see our reasons for objections to help prepare your submissions here.
Commenting on the effect of this project on health and wellbeing of those individuals and communities it is effecting is a valid argument.
Read more about the application process in here --> guidance.
This project has volunteered to take part in the NSIP Reform Early Adopter Programme, details of which are available in this news story published by the Planning Inspectorate.
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